International call | Marine Biology

Appels à projets
Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

CNRS Biology and CNRS Ecology & Environment are launching a call for proposals to develop studies on marine species and evolutionary mechanisms and interactions. The aim of this call is to foster and strengthen collaborations between CNRS Biology and Ecology & Environment laboratories and laboratories in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Australia.

Projects from laboratories mainly affiliated to CNRS Biology and Ecology & Environment will be funded for two years with a budget of 10 k€ per year. Budgets must be devoted to operating costs and travel (in this case, travel and meeting expenses) required for the project (no salaries or allowances). Projects will be evaluated on their scientific novelty and the strong fit between the scientific question to be addressed and the biological model examined. In addition, the rationale and need for collaboration must be clearly justified.
The Principal Investigator (PI) in France will operate the funds for all participating laboratories. 

Applications must be completed using the attached document.

Please name the pdf file: Applicant_NAME_MarBiol2024.pdf

Applicants will have to send their application as a single pdf file to the following address:

The deadline is Friday, February, 9th, 2024 at 12:00am, (Paris time). 

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