Building, repairing and evolving biological tissues

Roscoff (Brittany), France, September 13-17, 2015


Deadline for application: May 26, 2015

Because of the change of email address of the conference chairperson (conférence J.Monod "Building, Repairing and Evolving Biological Tissues”), the application deadline has been extended to 26 May 2015. Please send applications to If you have already applied but have any concern that your application might have been lost, please send it again to the new address.


Chairperson: Jean-Paul VINCENT

IMRC National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW71AA, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 88 16 20 04 


Vice-chairperson: Laure BALLY-CUIF

Institute of Neurobiology A. Fessard, Laboratory of Neurobiology and Development, CNRS UPR3294, Avenue de la Terrasse, Bldg 5, F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Phone: +33 1 69 82 42 76


Throughout its history, developmental biology has thrived on inputs from a variety of disciplines such as genetics and molecular biology. Recently, physics and maths have been major drivers of new advances, which the conference will showcase. In addition, the conference will bring in the insight from evolutionary biologists. Therefore the conference’s defining feature is that it brings together three disciplines that are often combined pair-wise, but rarely all together. This will elicit creative discussions not only on classical questions in developmental biology and morphogenesis but also about regeneration, repair and the behavior of stem cells in their natural environment.

There will be specific sessions on: (1) Specifying and evolving patterns, size and shape; (2) Collective behavior; (3) Self-organisation; (4) Regeneration, repatterning and repair; and (5) Tissue homeostasis. The atmosphere will be convivial, allowing junior researchers and students to interact with world class scientists.


Invited speakers
(provisional titles)

BRAND Andrea (Cambridge, UK) EMBO keynote lecture:
Nutritional Control of the Neural Stem Cells

AVEROF Michalis (Lyon, France)
Axial and regenerative progenitors: old questions, new models

BALLY-CUIF Laure (Gif-Sur-Yvette, France)
Homeostasis of neural stem cell pools in the adult zebrafish brain

BELLAICHE Yohanns (Paris, France)
Epithelial morphogenesis

DESPLAN Claude (New York, USA)
Deterministic or stochastic patterning of fly photoreceptors

DUFOUR Sylvie (Paris, France)
External cues and intrinsic properties of enteric neural crest cells regulate their collective migration in the developing gut

ELOWITZ Michael (Pasadena, USA)

GALLIOT Brigitte (Geneva, Switzerland)
Epithelial plasticity and regeneration, lessons from Hydra

GRAPIN-BOTTON Anne (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Self-organization of cells behaving as communities: the developing pancreas example

GRECO Valentina (New Haven, USA)
Uncovering principles of skin regeneration by two photon microscopy in live mice

HALLEY Julianne (York, UK)

HAMMERSCHMIDT Matthias (Köln, Germany)
Cutaneous wound healing in the zebrafish

LABOUESSE Michel (lllkirch, France)
Embryonic life under tension

LAWRENCE Peter (Cambridge, UK)
More on planar cell polarity

LECAUDEY Virginie (Freiburg, Germany)
Control of size and shape in the lateral line primordium of zebrafish

MONTEIRO Antonia (Singapore)
Evo-devo of butterfly eyespots

MONTELL Denise (Santa Barbara,USA )
Near death experiences at the cellular level.

NIETHAMMER Philipp (New York, USA)
Illuminating mechanisms of rapid wound death in zebrafish

PERONNET Frederique (Paris, France)
Genetics of developmental stability

PIDDINI Eugenia (Cambridge, UK)
Cellular competition for tissue supremacy

POURQUIE Olivier (Illkirth, France)

RIVERLINE Daniel (Strasbourg, France)
A simple active gel in vivo: the cytokinetic ring

SCHEDL Andreas (Nice, France)
Building and rebuilding an organ: stem cells in adrenal development and homeostasis

SIGGIA Eric D (New York, USA)
Recapitulating early embryonic patterns with human embryonic stem cells in micropatterned colonies

SIMONS Benjamin (Cambridge, UK)
Deciphering the rules of cell fate in the developing CNS

TANAKA Elly (Dresden, Germany)
The role of positional discontinuity in patterned limb regeneration

TRAAS Jan (Lyon, France)
The making of a flower: from morphodynamics to morphomechanics

VINCENT Alain (Toulouse, France)
A novel type of muscles linking internal organs to the exoskeleton in Drosophila.  An architectural role?

VINCENT Jean-Paul (London, UK)
Elimination of defective cells during development

ZALLEN Jennifer (New York, USA)
Shaping the embryo: Cellular dynamics in development


Deadline for application: May 26, 2015


Registration fee (including board and lodging)

440 € for PhD students
590 € for other participants


Application for registration
The total number of participants is limited to 115 and all participants are expected to attend the whole conference. Selection of participants will be made to match applicants’ interests to the scope of the conference. Scientists and PhD students wishing to attend the meeting should send the following information (combined in a single pdf) to the chairperson (

- their curriculum vitae
- the list of their main publications for the 3 last years
- the abstract of their presentation

Except in specific cases approved by the chairperson, all selected participants will be expected to present their work through a poster, a flash talk or a short talk (talks will be selected from submitted abstracts by the organizers). No payment should be sent with application. Information on how and when to pay will be provided in due course to the selected applicants.