Theoretical and empirical advances in evolutionary genomics

Roscoff (Brittany), France, March 31-April 4, 2012


Deadline for application: January 10, 2012


Chairperson: Juliette DE MEAUX

Plant Molecular Evolution, Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Münster University, Hüfferstr. 1
48149 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49 251 83 21 095 - Fax: +49 251 83 24 668


Vice-Chairperson: Xavier VEKEMANS

Laboratoire de Génétique et Evolution des Populations Végétales, FRE 3268 - CNRS – Université Lille 1, Bâtiment SN2 - Cité scientifique, 59155 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Phone: (33) 3 20 43 67 53 - Fax: (33) 3 20 43 69 79


Recent seminal advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies now empower comparative molecular genetic approaches to an unprecedented degree. This technological advance is about to revolutionize biology as a whole. However, taking full advantage of this novel potential to understand genome organization and diversity requires the development of a solid evolutionary scaffold, calling upon the theoretical and empirical expertise of population geneticists and molecular evolutionists.

This Jacques Monod conference is devoted to the presentation of theoretical and empirical advances in the field of evolutionary and population genomics. These disciplines aim at describing patterns of genomic variation between individuals and species, and of developing models of genomic evolution that integrate the effects of evolutionary processes such as mutation, recombination, genetic drift, genetic exchange, and natural selection. The conference will be organized in six sessions entitled:

(1) Towards a fine-grained map of genetic variation in model organisms
(2) Theoretical population genomics
(3) Evolutionary genomics
(4) Evolutionary systems biology
(5) The ecological genetics of molecular systems controlling complex phenotypes
(6) Open session.


Invited speakers

(provisional titles)


BALDING  David  (London, United Kingdom)
Kinship, heritability and genetic effect sizes

BELDADE Patricia (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying the evolutionary diversification of adaptive traits

BLUM Michael (Grenoble, France)
Major axes of genetic differentiation in humans

CARBONE Alessandra (Paris, France)
miRNA clusters and their functional organization in human chromosomes

DURET Laurent (Villeurbanne, France)
Recombination, biased gene conversion and the evolution of the human genome

DUTHEIL Julien (Montpellier, France)
One genome to infer them all: single-individual population genetics at the genome level

EXCOFFIER Laurent (Bern, Switzerland)
Effect of spatial processes on human diversity

GLÉMIN Sylvain (Montpellier, France)
Evolution of nucleotide landscapes in flowering plants: causes and consequences

GORDO Isabel – (Lisbon, Portugal)
Fitness effects of mutations in E. coli

HEYER Evelyne (Paris, France)
Cultural transmission of behaviours and genetic diversity in Human

KAESSMANN Henrik (Lausanne, Switzerland)
The evolution of mammalian tissue transcriptomes

LANDRY Christian (Québec, Canada)
Evolution of Protein Interactomes

LASSIG Michael (Köln, Germany)
Evolutionary genomics of influenza A

LOUDET Olivier (Versailles, France)
Decoding the complexity of quantitative natural variation for growth and response to the environment in Arabidopsis thaliana

MAKSE Hernan (New York, USA)
Modeling the evolution of protein interaction networks.

McLYSAGHT Aoife (Dublin, Ireland)
Positionally biased gene loss after whole genome duplication

NORDBORG Magnus (Vienna, Austria)
Genomic patterns of variation in Arabidopsis thaliana
PATTERSON Nick (Boston, USA)
Using exact ascertainment and joint spectra to learn human genetic history

PETROV Dmitri (Stanford, USA)
Genomic studies of adaptation in Drosophila and humans

QUINTANA-MURCI Lluis (Paris, France)
Modes of subsistence and the landscape of African genomes

ROCHA Eduardo (Paris, France)
Population genomics of prokaryotes

SCHMID Karl (Stuttgart, Germany)
Genomics of local adaptation in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana

SCHMITT Johanna (Providence, USA)
Mapping local adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana

SUNYAEV Shamil (Boston, USA)
Title to be specified

TENAILLON Olivier (Paris, France)
The diversity of adaptive convergence in experimental bacterial populations

WHEAT Christopher W. (Helsinki, Finland)
Functional genomics of dispersal and fitness variation in the wild 

WITTKOPP Trisha (Michigan, USA)
Genomic sources of regulatory variation


Deadline for application: January 10, 2012


Registration fee (including board and lodging)

400 € for PhD students
600 € for other participants


Application for registration

The total number of participants is limited to 115 and all participants are expected to attend for the whole duration of the conference. Selection is made on the basis of the affinity of potential participants with the topics of the conference. Scientists and PhD Students interested in the meeting should send:

  • their curriculum vitae
  • the list of their main publications for the 3 last years
  • the abstract of their presentation


connecting to:, a dedicated webpage for application to registration, before the deadline. After it, the chairman will select the participants. Except in some particular cases approved by the Chairperson, it is recommended that all selected participants present their work during the conference, either in poster form or by a brief in- session talk. The organizers choose the form in which the presentations are made. No payment will be sent with application. Information on how and when to pay will be mailed in due time to those selected.