Evolutionary genomics

Roscoff (Brittany), France, May 2-6, 2007


Deadline for application: February 1, 2007

President : Michel VEUILLE

Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Département Systématique & Evolution, GDR CNRS 1928 - Génomique des populations, 16, rue Buffon,
F-75005 PARIS, France
Phone: +33 1 40 79 33 27 - Fax: +33 1 40 79 33 37

E-mail: veuille@mnhn.fr

Vice-President : Laurent EXCOFFIER

Institut de Zoologie, Computational and Molecular Population Genetics Laboratory, Baltzerstrasse 6, CH-3012 BERNE, Switzerland

Phone: +41 31 631 30 31 - Fax: +41 31 631 48 88
E-mail: laurent.excoffier@zoo.unibe.ch

Evolutionary genomics is concerned with the selective forces acting on the evolution of genome function in populations, and the complementarity of information provided by coding and non-coding parts of the genome. Three major events have deeply modified this research field at the start of the 21st century. Firstly, studies in evolutionary genomics have shown that a larger part of coding regions than hitherto suspected is subject to strong selective constraints, suggesting that so-called junk-DNA is less important than was previoulsy thought. Secondly, genomics programs are generating massive amounts of data. In addition to comparative species data, an unprecedented amount of polymorphic data are now being created. Finally, it has become apparent that genomes contain much smaller numbers of genes than was formerly expected, even though living organisms synthesize large numbers of proteins, expressed at several different levels of expression.

The program of the conference aims to present the current state of a research field that has emerged over the last ten years. It does not intend to show final results, but rather to identify new research directions and fields of synergy. The conference is therefore structured into questions corresponding to conceptual issues, in a field whose study relies on a very broad theoretical framework in mathematics and bioinformatics.


Invited Speakers

(provisional titles)

AGUADE Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain) Effects of selection, demography and recombination on nucleotide variation

BATAILLON Thomas (Aarhus, Denmark) Molecular evolution of plant genes involved in the recognition of symbiotic bacterial and fungal partners

CLARK Andrew (Ithaca, U.S.A.) Exploring the evolution of gene regulatory networks

COLE Stewart T. (Paris, France) On the evolution of pathogenic mycobacteria

DAUBIN Vincent (Villeurbanne, France) Thousands of gene trees to reconstruct the history of life

DENAMUR Erick (Paris, France) Transcriptome polymorphism in the Escherichia/Shigella species

DURET Laurent (Villeurbanne, France) The evolutionary impact of whole-genome duplications: insights from Paramecium tetraurelia

EXCOFFIER Laurent (Berne, Switzerland) Building better human demographic models to detect selection at the molecular level

HEY Jody (Piscataway, U.S.A.) Improving population genetic models of divergence

HEYER Evelyne (Paris, France) Social behaviour and genetic diversity in Human populations

KEIGHTLEY Peter D. (Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Quantifying functional constraints in the mammalian genome

McVEAN Gilean (Oxford, United Kingdom) The evolution of recombination hotspots in humans

MONTCHAMP-MOREAU Catherine (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Dynamics of the sex-ratio trait in Drosophila

NIELSEN Rasmus (Copenhagen, Denmark) Demography and selection affecting human genomic variation

PAL Csaba (Oxford, United Kingdom) Evolution of metabolic networks

 QUINTANA-MURCI Lluis (Paris, France) Inferring human population dynamics from multilocus analyses of noncoding sequences

ROBINSON-RECHAVI Marc (Lausanne, Switzerland) Organising transcriptome data to study vertebrate evolution of  development

ROSENBERG Noah A. (Ann Arbor, U.S.A.) A genome-wide analysis of population-genetic variation in Latin America

SCHNEIDER Dominique (Grenoble, France) Phenotypic and genetic evolution during a long-term experiment with / Escherichia coli /: Involvement of different gene regulation levels

SLATKIN Montgomery (Berkeley, U.S.A.) Concordance and discordance of gene trees of linked sites in closely related species

STEPHAN Wolfgang (Planegg-Martinsried, Germany) Population genetics of adaptation

TENAILLON Maud (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Patterns of selection associated with maize domestication

VEKEMANS Xavier (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France) Population structure and interspecific differentiation in a genomic region subject to strong balancing selection in the genus Arabidopsis

VEUILLE Michel (Paris, France) Comparative population genomics

WAKELEY John (Cambridge, U.S.A.) Inferences about the structure and history of populations

WEINREICH Daniel M. (Cambridge, U.S.A.) Intragenic epistasis and natural selection in theory and practice

WINCKER Patrick (Evry, France) Events of global duplication


Deadline for application: February 1, 2007


Registration fee (including board and lodging)

375€ for PhD students
530€ for other participants

Application for registration

The total number of participants is limited to about 115 and all participants are expected to attend for the whole duration of the conference. Selection is made on the basis of the affinity of potential participants with the topics of the conference. Scientists and PhD Students interested in the meeting should send:


  • their curriculum vitae
  • the list of their main publications for the 3 last years
  • the abstract of their presentation to the chairman of the conference before the deadline.


After it, the chairman will select the participants. Except in some particular cases approved by the chairperson, it is recommended that all selected participants present their work during the conference, either in poster form or by a brief in- session talk. The organizers choose the form in which the presentations are made. No payment will be sent with application. Information on how and when to pay will be mailed in due time to those selected.