Emergence and evolution of developmental patterns

Roscoff (Brittany), France, April 25-29, 2012


Deadline for application: January 25, 2012


Chairperson: Alain VINCENT

Centre de Biologie du Développement, UMR 5547 CNRS/UPS, 118 rte de Narbonne,
31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France
Phone: (33) 5 61 55 82 89 - Fax: (33) 5 61 55 65 07
Mail: alain.vincent@univ-tlse3.fr


Vice-Chairperson: Jean-Paul VINCENT

MRC National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UK
Phone: +44 (0)20 8816-2004 - Fax: +44 (0)20 8816-2109
Mail: jvincen@nimr.mrc.ac.uk


Over the past decades, molecular genetic analysis of vertebrate and invertebrate models uncovered numerous mechanisms that ensure reliable embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. This conference will bring together developmental biologists, physicists and computational scientists to discuss the mechanisms underlying tissue patterning/growth and the evolution of morphological diversity. Emphasis will be given to approaches that take advantage of modeling and the latest imaging technologies.

The program of the conference will be organized around 5 thematic sessions:

1) Tissue architecture, patterning and growth. Recent quantitative analysis and modeling of morphogen activity; Developmental and environmental control of body size, including the process of cell competition.
2) Developmental time. Temporal gene cascades, oscillators and biological clocks, collective and individual migratory behaviors.
3) Stem cells within tissues. Stem cells in various animal models; Phenotypic plasticity of stem cell niches.
4) Gene regulatory networks. Precision and robustness of developmental gene expression; Enhancer structure; Non coding RNAs and small peptides; Regulatory feedback.
5) Plasticity and Evolvability of biological patterns. Plasticity, precision and robustness; Evolvability of developmental programs.

The program will comprise invited talks as well as numerous selected contributions (oral and poster) to allow for the presentation of emerging discoveries.


Invited speakers

(provisional titles)


AHRINGER Julie (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Chromatin regulation in C. elegans

ARENDT Detlev (Heidelberg, Germany)
Duplication and diversification of neural circuits in nervous system evolution

CUIF Laure Bally (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Germinal zone homeostasis in the zebrafish adult telencephalon

BRAND Michael (Dresden, Germany)
Regeneration of the adult zebrafish brain

BRISCOE James (London, United Kingdom)
The Gene Regulatory Logic of Sonic Hedgehog Morphogen Interpretation

DESPLAN Claude (New York, USA)
Stochastic patterning of the retina

DOSTANI Nathalie (Paris, France)
The time to measure positional information in the Bicoid morphogen system

DZIERZAK Elaine (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Endothelial origins of hematopoietic stem cells

FELIX Marie Anne (Paris, France)
Robustness and evolution of the Caenorhabditis vulva signaling network

KHILA Abderrahman (Lyon, France)
The Eco-Evo-Devo of morphological evolution: appendage diversification in water striders.

LEMAIRE Patrick (Montpellier, France)
Genomic encoding of shape in tunicates

LEOPOLD Pierre (Nice, France)
Genetics and physiology of growth control in Drosophila

LEVINE Michael (Berkeley, USA)
Mechanisms of canalization in the Drosophila embryo

MATSUNO Kenji (Tokyo, Japan)
Chirality in planar cell shape contributes to left-right asymmetric epithelial morphogenesis

MORENO Eduardo (Bern, Switzerland)
Evolution of the social cell

OATES Andrew C. (Dresden, Germany)
Cell movements underlying tissue morphogenesis

ORGOGOZO Virginie (Paris, France)
Ineluctable metabolism evolution: how a Drosophila species became dependent on its cactus host

PAYRE François (Toulouse, France)
Genetic networks driving cell morphogenesis

POURQUIÉ Olivier (Strasbourg, France)
Patterning the vertebrate axis

REITER Jeremy (San Francisco, USA)
Primary cilia communicate intercellular signals in development and disease

STOREY Kate (Dundee, United Kingdom)
Mechanisms regulating vertebrate neural differentiation

THOR Stefan (Linkoping, Sweden)
Controlling cell fate and cell numbers in the developing nervous system.

VINCENT Alain (Toulouse, France)
The intimate relations between hematopoietic progenitors and their niche in Drosophila.

VINCENT Jean Paul (London, United Kingdom)
Competition, epithelial integrity and apoptosis

WALHOUT Albertha (Worcester, USA)
Gene regulatory networks

WIESCHAUS Eric (Princeton, USA)
The mechanics of cell shape change during Drosophila gastrulation

WINKLBAUER Rudolf (Toronto, Canada)
Tissue cohesion in the Xenopus gastrula

YVERT Gaël (Lyon, France)
Particle genetics: treating single cells as unique


Deadline for application: January 25, 2012


Registration fee (including board and lodging)

400 € for PhD students
550 € for other participants


Application for registration

The total number of participants is limited to 115 and all participants are expected to attend for the whole duration of the conference. Applications (from PhD Students as well as more senior scientists) should be sent by email to the conference chairperson (alain.vincent@univ-tlse3.fr). It should comprise in one single pdf:

  • their curriculum vitae
  • the list of their main publications for the 3 last years
  • the abstract of their presentation


Participants will be selected within two weeks after the deadline. It is expected that all the selected participants will present their work, either in poster or oral form. No payment should be sent with the application. Information on how and when to pay registration fees will be mailed in due time to the selected applicants.