DIM C-BRAINS PhD Program 2022-2023

Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

The DIM C-BRAINS launched its International PhD Program, in partnership with the Paris Brain Institute, the CEA and the Fondation des Neurosciences de Paris. In total, no less than 13 doctoral contracts will be awarded in this edition.

The applicant is expected to complete an application file on the DIM C-BRAINS platform and to indicate his/her interest in a maximum of two projects. The applicant must indicate in his/her application 1 to 2 reference contacts with their contact details for possible contacts by the researcher.

Publication of the PhD proposal on the DIM C-BRAINS website by 16 January 2023.

The researchers in charge of the doctoral project will choose the candidates whom they wish to interview until 10th March 2023. After the interview, the candidates will be ranked by the researchers in order of preference before the 24 March, 2023.

Deadline for applications: 3rd March, 2023

More informations

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