Call for Projects INBS Access to national research infrastructures

Appels à projets
Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

The field of Life Sciences has undergone major developments over the past two decades. The change of scales, both in spatial and temporal resolution, and the integration of data from a wide variety of sources, as induced by the development of technologies, have revolutionized the exploration of life. These technologies call for expensive investments and specific know-how, carried out by highly qualified personnel, having led to the creation of common infrastructures such as research infrastructures (IRs) open to the entire scientific community.

The Institut des Sciences Biologiques (INSB) from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is launching a call for projects to fund full access to the national infrastructures in health and biology "INBS Access to national research infrastructures". This call aims to encourage new teams to use the services offered by Research Infrastructures to help their research project. The objective is to demonstrate the significant impact of these services to improve the quality of their results (resolution, reproducibility, change of scale, etc.) or to help remove technological barriers.


Instructions for submission

This is two-stage submission.
The first stage consists of a letter of intent, prepared by the scientific leader of the project, outlining the project in which the application fits and highlighting the barriers that could be removed by access to IRs. This letter of intent must also be signed by the director of the applicant's unit. The identification of the infrastructures to access is possible at this stage but not mandatory.

The deadline for submission of this letter is Friday 4th March 2022.

The second phase consists of a consultation between the INSB and the national Research Infrastructures. This will lead to putting the applicant in contact with the infrastructures that are able to meet the expressed needs, in order to evaluate the feasibility and to establish the budget of the final proposal. This stage will lead to the final submission of the project, signed by the heads of the involved IR(s), no later than Friday 8th April 2022.

Project eligibility and selection criteria

  • The scientific leader of the project should preferably be in a unit mainly attached to the INSB.
  • Access to the infrastructure must be fully implemented before 31/12/2022 (deadline for the use of funds)
  • The scientific project must be a project in the process of being finalized.
  • Access to infrastructure must unlock or accelerate the project. The start of a scientific project is not eligible for this call.

The letter of intent (maximum of three pages including figures) accompanied by a CV of the project leader (maximum of two pages) must be sent before Friday 4th March 2022 to the following address:

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